"Dancing Machine" mixed media dancing robot with horse painting by Spa – Colette Cosentino Atelier + Gallery

"Dancing Machine" mixed media dancing robot with horse painting by Space Cadet

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"Dancing Machine" 16" x 12" mixed media on canvas.  As a child, I was often bullied.  I was shy, and reminded often as to what a Space Cadet I was.  "You're sooooo Spacey!!" I would hear on a regular basis.  Well, maybe so.  Maybe, I was struggling with already feeling misunderstood, as I chose to visually absorb my surroundings and let my imagination do its thing.  So now, as a healed adult with a solid sense of wellbeing, I embrace "Spacey" and allow that child within to play, to create, without care of outside opinion.  Truly, Space Cadet, or Spacey for short is my AKA.  My secret identity.  My street artist name, if I were one. ;))    Truly, Colette Cosentino