"Chula Y Sus Amigos" 24" x 18" acrylic and pencil on tin Horse, black – Colette Cosentino Atelier + Gallery

"Chula Y Sus Amigos" 24" x 18" acrylic and pencil on tin Horse, black bird, rabbit) by Erika Carter

Regular price

"Chula Sus Amigos" depicts the best of friends.  Painted on tin and securely adhered to a wood panel.  Ready to hang. 

Shipping is held separately.  Contact Colette@ColetteCosentino.com

About the artist:  Erika Carter

Looking back on four decades of art making it is clear that time and space are the greatest
influences on the ebb and flow of my work. The third decade of my career is heavily influenced
by my travels to Central Mexico and my Mexican heritage on my mother’s side. While the
spirit of Mexican culture can always be found within my paintings, the fourth decade of my
career has taught me that the inspiration needed to create work is right where I stand. My
studio sits on a 6000 sq/ft. lot, 1/4 house and 3/4 garden. The sweet garden at Green House
Studios is lined with 100 year-old citrus trees and a giant Tipuana tree at its center. Beds of
lavender and other indigenous flora attracts the birds, bees, bunnies, butterflies, and people of
all ages from the neighboring coffee shop. A bountiful source of active inspiration has been
afforded to me; my studio’s surroundings, coupled with the rich familial history of past
inhabitants of this little house built in 1910, and their contributions to the neighborhood has
grounded my work. My gratitude for this little corner in the world where I live and work gives
me a strong sense of purpose to protect and paint where I stand…
“ I paint who I am and what I know”.